Get to know one of our USASA Clubs, UniSA Art Club! Read on to find out what the club entails and how you can be a part of the unique and wonderful things that the club does.
1. Club Name
UniSA Art Club check out their socials here: Instagram | Facebook | Find them all here
Contact them directly here: Email
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
The UniSA Art Club aims to connect students through a common interest in the visual arts. No matter your skill level or degree, we provide fun opportunities for our members to try something new, seek artistic advice, and make new friends!
3. What have been some of your clubs biggest achievements?
We won an award for the Best New Club in 2018, and recently won another award for Best Club of the Year in 2021! We were also recognised for having the best club stall at Campus Fair earlier this year. Our committee is also really proud of hitting our 100-member milestone in May and has collaborated with many clubs including the Student Sustainability Collective, the Women In STEM Club, and the Japanese Culture Club.
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
Some activities we're looking forward to are our Acrylic Panel Painting workshop with the ECC Alliance in November and (hopefully) a Printmaking Workshop in December. Our club is also looking forward to future collabs with more of the cultural clubs and introducing club merch that our members can purchase and personalise at a future workshop!
5. How can students get involved in your club?
Aside from registering with us through our USASA Club page, students can get involved in our art workshops and tours - led by the club executives or our specialised UniSA staff members!
6. What's the best thing about your club?
We’re all about creating spaces where students can try something new, no matter their level of skill when it comes to the visual arts! As such, our workshops and activities are designed to be beginner-friendly should you give them a go. Sometimes staff from the UniSA Art Faculty come in to help us out too! Think of them as bite-sized introductions to new mediums and techniques, all for free or at a fairly affordable price. It takes the pressure out of committing to proper classes and, who knows, you may find a new hobby with us too!
7. If you had no limits on budget or space what would be your dream club event?
We would absolutely hold an art retreat where we could all go out on a 2-to-3-day trip full of fun, collaborative art activities.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share that your club has to offer?
We understand that not all students can come to our face-to-face workshops or attend uni remotely/online. Just so no-one’s left out, we hold art competitions, challenges, and post craft ideas on our Pinterest! Also if any of our members tag us in their creations, we look at them all. Did we mention that our members are free to use any of the art supplies from our trolley? Got a project or in need of a pencil real quick? We’ve got you.
Join the UniSA Art Club here.
Want to shine a light on all the unique and wonderful things your club does by taking part in our USASA Clubs Feature! We are offering you the opportunity for your club to be featured across a range of USASA and USASA Clubs social media pages.
Find the form here.