Club Finances

Banking information and a guide on how to manage your club's finances.


Financial Responsibilities

All club executives have the responsibility to ensure that club funds are managed appropriately, including but not limited to:

  • Ensuring that any expenses align with the purpose of the club and are made with the best interests of the club at heart
  • Disclosing any personal or business interests which may give rise to actual or perceived conflicts of interest
  • Ensuring personal or financial interests do not conflict with their ability to perform official duties in an impartial manner
  • Not allowing personal or financial interests, or the interests of any associated person or business, to conflict with the interests of USASA and its members
  • Managing and declaring any conflict between their personal and public duty
  • Not receiving club income into a personal bank account and ensuring that any income of the club is deposited to the club bank account
  • Not entering the club into a debt it cannot repay
  • Ensuring that no portion of club funds be paid or distributed directly or indirectly to members or their associates except as bona fide remuneration of a member for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of a Club

Additionally, club executives are responsible for ensuring the club follows the requirements outlined in Section 12 of the USASA Constitution:

12.1.1 Each Club Committee will retain in a bank account established for it by the University of South Australia Student Association all its funds including those allocated to it by the University of South Australia Student Association.

12.1.2. Each Club Committee will cooperate with the Board in the preparation of accounts as determined by the Board, subject to Clause 18.

12.1.3. Club Committees must provide all information and do all things necessary to enable the Board to comply at all times with its obligations under this Constitution (including but not limited to the obligations imposed by Clause 18 (of the USASA Constitution)).

12.1.4. Each Club Committee may raise funds from its constituent Members and fundraising activities and expend the same for the benefit of its constituent Members and must maintain accurate records for receipts and expenditure of such funds.

Online Banking Process

The accounts are subsidiary accounts to USASA's bank account which provides many benefits, such as:

  • Being fee-free for clubs
  • Can be accessed by two designated club members (President and Treasurer)
  • Can be viewed by users through the online banking portal

Clubs will be responsible for managing their own finances, however, in order to ensure that clubs are governing their bank account correctly, USASA will finalise all transactions.

USASA clubs are not permitted to have bank accounts external to USASA. Structurally, USASA clubs are sub-committees of the USASA board, and all club bank accounts are audited each year to ensure the financial integrity of USASA.

Opening and operating an external bank account is a breach of USASAs requirements for clubs and if at any time a club becomes aware that there is a separate bank account, the club must take steps to transfer funds and close the bank account.

Accessing Your USASA Club Bank Account

After an Annual Meeting, the newly elected Treasurer and President can gain access to the club’s online bank account.

To gain access to the account, the club Treasurer and President must meet with a USASA Staff Member. These meetings will usually take place in the USASA office at the City West campus. Please note you will need to schedule a time to meet in advance. You can schedule your meeting here.

During this meeting, you will learn how to:

  • Create transactions
  • Submit your transaction for approval
  • Request invoices
  • Manage income

In addition to this meeting, you must complete the Bank Account New User Form.

Staff will use these to create a user profile that will allow you to access the bank account. Once this has been done, you will receive an automatic email from NAB with a temporary password and an email from USASA with your personal User ID.

Creating Online Transactions

To make a payment:

  1. Create the transaction on NAB Connect (access step-by-step guide)
  2. Submit your Money Request on the website 
    • Log into the USASA website
    • Select the settings button on the top right of the page
    • Select your club’s name in the dropdown
    • Select 'Finances' in the Admin Tools menu
    • Click 'new money request'
    • Fill out the details and 'submit'
  3. Have another committee member approve the transaction on the USASA website
    • Log into the USASA website
    • Select the settings button on the top right of the page
    • Select your club’s name in the dropdown
    • Select 'Finances' in the Admin Tools menu
    • Click on the highlighted Money Request
    • Check the details and 'approve'

Once a second committee member has approved the Money Request on the USASA website, USASA staff will be able to check the details and approve the transaction on the website and on NAB Connect.

You can check back on the status of your Money Request in the Finance Tool at any time.

NOTE: Because you are required to submit a transaction form for every transaction, you will not be required to complete a quarterly financial report.

Making Money

There are a variety of ways to generate income for your club. For USASA clubs, the most common of these include:

For more info about any of these, please click on the links.

E-Store Revenue

Funds earned from selling products on the USASA E-Store and reconciled monthly at the end of each month. For instance, any money that your club earns in January will be transferred into the club account in the last two weeks of January and so on throughout the year.

This is done to ensure that the correct amount of money is transferred after taking into consideration any refunds or system errors that may have occurred. We work to get the money into your club account as quickly as we can, but the time that this takes will vary from month to month depending on how many products are being reconciled in that period. 


Each club can determine their own policy about refunds for each of their products. We recommend being consistent with all purchasers. You should also consider how refunds may impact the financial viability of your product.

Some examples of refund policies include:

  • No refunds for any reason. Purchasers may re-sell their tickets.
  • Refunds available up until the sales end date.
  • Refunds available upon request.
  • Refunds only in case of positive COVID result.

Processing refunds

USASA can process refunds through the payment gateway if we are within the month of purchase (i.e. purchase was made in August, refund is processed in August).

If the purchase is older, then the club must submit a Money Request after obtaining the BSB and Account number of the purchaser. The club may use the order number and an email requesting the refund as the receipt/invoice.

If USASA is contacted by someone requesting a refund, we will refer the request to the club to make a decision. 

Using Third Party Sales Platforms

Clubs may elect to use third-party websites to sell tickets or products however, it is critical that any accounts with third-party sites are created the with club’s general email address and that funds will be paid out to the bank account established by USASA.

Please be aware that external sites may attract fees for the club and purchasers, may only payout income on the day of the event, and USASA staff may not be able to provide support if any technical issues occur.

Depositing Money

Depositing money into your USASA account is as simple as collecting the Account Name, BSB and Account Number from your Nab Connect internet bank account and taking cash into your nearest NAB branch to deposit. The same details can be used if a company wishes to transfer money to your club.

If your club is required to invoice a company/business to receive sponsorship or a donation, we can create an invoice for you. Submit a request for an invoice here.


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The University of South Australia Student Association acknowledges the Kaurna, Boandik and Barngarla First Nations People as the traditional custodians of the unceded lands now home to the University of South Australia’s campuses in Adelaide, Mount Gambier and Whyalla. We respectfully acknowledge their Ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia. It was and always will be Aboriginal land.

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