1. Club Name
Health and Wellbeing Society
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
To provide a safe, judgment-free haven where individuals can embark on their personal journey towards mental well-being through a holistic approach. This means our activities are not just "mind-related," as mind and body are connected. While we are a new club, we are in the planning stages of having activities that range from crafts sessions to sports to meditation workshops.
3. What have been some of your club's biggest achievements?
As a fairly new club, our plate of achievements is minimal. By the end of the year, we hope to achieve much more, but one thing we are proud of is being able to provide students with free hobby sessions. As anything, this costs money so we had to wait for some funds to accumulate in our club account, but we have slowly begun to have hobby sessions free of charge for students. During a recent survey we sent out, we realized that if students had time for hobbies, they did not have the financial capacity. If they had the financial capacity, they did not have time. So, by having these hobby sessions for free, we are allowing students a space to explore better mental health, and we hope this is something that our club continues to offer for years to come.
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
We are currently in the latter stages of planning the below events: Build Your Own Terrarium Workshop
Mystery-Lovers Games Night
Craft Your Own Vision Board Session
Hobby Sessions:
- Crocheting
- Basketball
- Arts & Crafts
5. How can students get involved in your club?
Easy, follow 3 steps:
Just become a member (completely free and takes less than 5 minutes) Follow our Instagram and read our emails
Click "Register"
6. What's the best thing about your club?
Our club is heavily mental-health-focused: Our executives have been voted into their positions because of how passionate they are about mental health, so when we organize events, we are always trying to reduce costs as much as possible for students. It's always a "how can we make this free" or a "how do we make this as affordable as possible" rather than "how do we make the biggest profit from this?" Of course, we understand that from financial aspects, funds are extremely vital to having future events, but every year, there is a new budget pool. Within one year, there are only so many events a club can hold - so while we have a very level-headed Treasurer to ensure our club does not go into debt, we also have a very passionate President and Secretary who want to give students the platform of convenience.
7. If you had no limits on budget or space, what would be your dream club event?
This is quite a tough question for a club like ours to answer, as our main goal is to help students better their mental health. Mental health encompasses so many different aspects and is in itself intertwined with physical health. That being said, if we had no budget limits, we would have fortnightly hobby sessions free of charge to help students with their mental health. This would be a space for them to simply leave behind their stress and enjoy life without worrying about making enough money to do these hobbies.
Alternatively, this is not an event, but if we had an unlimited budget, we would love to be able to offer our members - if not all UniSA students - access to the app Sonder. This paid app has 24/7 medical, safety, and mental health support by qualified professionals. The help and expert guidance provided is immediate so that students can reach out amidst their struggles rather than waiting for an appointment. Sonder allows users to share their location if they feel unsafe at any time of the day and they will follow their procedure to discreetly check on you at frequent intervals and will send out safety professionals if you feel you are in danger. For students who are constantly entering new situations due to their studies or work, this is something that HWS would love to offer.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share that your club has to offer?
While are not professionals and can only guide you on where to find professional help, if you ever need a friend to talk to, you can find one in our club.
Join the Health and Wellbeing Society here