USASA is an independent not-for-profit organisation that is active in supporting UniSA students across all metropolitan and regional campuses.
Our governance is overseen by the USASA Student Board led by the 15 Student Representative positions. These representatives are elected by UniSA students and supported by non-student staff who deliver key services and day-to-day operations.
These services are, but are not limited to:
The Student Board’s purpose is to set the strategic direction of the organisation and to make sure that it stays on track. To do this, the Board must make decisions about how the organisation will achieve its goals, how it carries out its functions, and to ensure that it always operates lawfully and within the scope of USASA’s Constitution and regulations.
The Board has an overarching responsibility to manage the conduct of USASA’s business and affairs. It is also responsible for the management and control of USASA’s funds and property.
It is the mission of each Student Representative to be the first point of contact for the University in promoting student partnership and decision-making. They achieve this by sitting on University Council, being part of a joint USASA/University project team, and being an active member of University disciplinary committees. Allowing them to provide a genuine voice for students in decisive areas of the University.
USASA President
USASA Student Representative
USASA's Constitution states under section 5.3 the details of students' eligibility for nominating and holding office as a Board member.
Any ordinary member of USASA (enrolled UniSA's students) who are onshore during the nomination and election period may nominate themselves to run in the election for Student Representative.
To safeguard the representative nature of the Board’s composition, the following must also apply:
Each Campus representative must be enrolled at that campus as their home campus
Postgraduate Student Representative must be enrolled in a postgraduate program
International Student Representative must be enrolled as an international student
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Student Representative must have self-identified themselves as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Student in their UniSA enrolment documents.
Please consult the USASA Constitution and Election Regulations for more details on how to become a Student Representative.
Under rules outlined in USASA's Constitution, elections are held in the month of October, although the specific dates are decided by the Board.
Elections provide every currently enrolled student with an opportunity to gain leadership skills and work towards a better student experience. Successful candidates take up their position on the 1st January of the following year.
When positions are vacant, a bi-election may occur.
Every month, each member of the USASA Board writes a report on what they've been up to. Click on their names to read their reports and more.
President: Oliver Shephard-Bayly
Postgraduate Student Rep: Benjamin Opiyo
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student Rep: Rhys Peden
International Student Rep: Vacant
City West Student Rep: Christopher Fernandes
City West Undergraduate Student Rep: Yeshaiah Varona
City East Student Rep: Deepak Narang
City East Undergraduate Student Rep: Jade Hancock
Magill Student Rep: Lucy Fawcett
Magill Undergraduate Student Rep: Zoe Hughes
Mawson Lakes Student Rep: Henry Zampoli
Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Student Rep: Agrani Kashyap
Mount Gambier Student Rep: Grace Smith
Whyalla Student Rep: Vacant
UniSA Online Student Rep: Lily Durkin
Have a general enquiry regarding the USASA Student Board?