1. Club Name
Overseas Christian Fellowship
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
- To reach out to all overseas students in Australia
- Build them up to be Christ’s disciples
- And send them back home as disciple-makers
3. What have been some of your club's biggest achievements?
- Successful Leadership programs in training up new leaders to grow in spiritual maturity through the study and application of God’s Word, to serve God through ministry opportunities in OCF and local churches, and to develop one’s character, spiritual gifts and spiritual leadership.
- Having combined state events with other OCF clubs from different universities all over Adelaide, such as the University of Adelaide and Flinders University. Events such as Annual Easter camps and combined fellowship events.
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
- Weekly Bible study sessions
- Combine meetups & prayer meetings
- Easter Camp 2024
- Leadership training programs
- Fellowship events: Brunch gatherings, Beach day out, Laser tag, exploring different places in Adelaide.
5. How can students get involved in your club?
- Get connected with us or one of our committee members through our socials
- Drop by one of our Friday night sessions (7 pm @Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre 1022 - University of Adelaide)
- Come do life and grow in spiritual maturity through the study and application of God’s Word & Serve God through ministry opportunities in OCF (So many opportunities! From worship to Bible study leadership to committee leadership)
6. What's the best thing about your club?
We are a community of Christ-loving people, a family, a home away from home. We take care of each other, grow, journey, and do life together, encouraging one another in our walk with God.
7. If you had no limits on budget or space, what would be your dream club event?
A national Overseas Christian Fellowship Convention, where OCF centres from all over Australia come to Adelaide to have one big camp and family gathering of God's people.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share that your club has to offer?
Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF) Club University of South Australia (UniSA) is a student-led and Christ-centred ministry on university campuses comprising 15 centres located all over Australia. All centres are united in faith, with the Great Commission as the guided mission. They come under one core vision: to reach out to all overseas students in Australia, build them up to be Christ’s disciples, and send them back home as disciple-makers.
OCF is more than just a social gathering on Friday nights, welcoming students from all across the world, including Christians and non-Christians alike. OCF UniSA is not only a place but a community where students come together to journey and grow in faith, to learn more about Christ, as well as to fellowship with one another, sharing the love of Jesus Christ wherever we go and whoever we meet. Understanding the difficulty of finding community in a new country as international students, we hope to reach out to anyone who is searching for a Christian community, a home away from home, we express our outmost welcome to be part of our family.
Join the Overseas Christian Fellowship here