Being a student isn’t easy, often you don't have a lot of power and balancing all of the commitments of uni life while working to afford to keep studying and managing all the other complexities of student life can be challenging. However, having a strong student association can make a massive difference in making real impacts on the lives of students. Acting as the voice of students to fight for a fairer university system and supporting students in good and bad times. I’m really passionate about making sure you always supported by a strong student association and that we always have a voice in decision-making that affects us.
I’ve been really proud of the things the 2023 USASA board and I have been able to achieve for students last year. We’ve made a big impact improving the policies effecting students but there’s still so much to achieve. I’m focused on making sure student representation is in a strong position and that students voices are heard in a New University. With a cost-of-living crisis I’m also motivated to make sure more is done on all levels to make sure students are supported and that we do as much as possible to make material differences in the lives of students. They’re big goals and I certainly can’t do it alone but I’m proud to lead a passionate and experienced board that I know will continue to make a real difference in the lives of students.
I love how chill Magill is, it’s nice to always be around nature during study and I’m also a big fan of the sushi.
Take every opportunity that is put in front of you. It is important to be involved in a club or other non-academic activities around Uni. You never know what it might lead to and it is also a really amazing opportunity to make good friends and connections.
I am excited to make sure I attend as many small events and catch up with as many clubs as I can. It is awesome to see the amazing work of so many club execs play such an important role in making sure we all have fun things to go to around campus.
Being around nature or taking the time to relax and have a nice tea/coffee.
I think taking a moment when you're stressed to just pull back and let yourself cool down and then identify how to best go about solving whatever problem you're trying to tackle is really important.
I'm fascinated by Ancient History and I’d love to be able to have a conversation with people from Ancient Egypt and Rome and get a sense of what life was really like.
I'm an INTP-A so I’m quite Open minded and I enjoy going through the process of problem-solving
My month’s been made up of a lot of handover work and getting started on the important work of getting things prepared for the board retreat and the 2024 board. It’s also been good to catch up with board representatives and discuss with them their priorities for the year and projects the USASA board are and can undertake.
It’s also been great to work on the campaign to extend concession fares to online and part-time students. There was an extremely positive reception to new stories around the issue and it will be good to catch up with other stakeholder’s around the issue.
It’s amazing to see University underway for the year and students back on campus for O Week. It’s been great to talk too and connect with students over the month and I’m looking forward to the continue to connect with students at events and at campus fair.
I’ve continued focusing on organising the campaign around transport concession reforms. The FUSA President and I have both sent a letter too the Transport Minister we’re pushing to get endorsements for the campaign at both universities and have gathered many signatures in support of the campaign during O Week at Flinders University.
It was really great to host the State NUS Planning Day at UniSA and be able to both do some training for student representatives around the state but also plan some the campaigns and strategies around tackling issues the board hopes to address over the year.
It’s great to see the Academic year underway and for there to be so many students back on campus. It’s been great to speak to so many students over the month and to build a great foundation for the year ahead.
I attended Whyalla Uni Vibe, it was really great to understand more around the concerns and functioning of regional campus. I really enjoyed speaking to so many students on the day both hearing their concerns and sharing how USASA supports them.
Really awesome to be able to speak to students across the campus fair events. Is exciting to see how busy and well attended the events where. Great to be able to explain more around the campaigns the board is currently running and collect signatures for your Public Transport campaign. A particular thank you to all the amazing club executives that were able to attend.
Great to continue surveying students around placements and continue to talk to them around their experiences in placements. It’s exciting to see how much discourse in the media around changes to placements and its an area I’m really excited to continue to work on to achieve much needed changes for students.
It’s been a busy month with a lot of work focused around the New University while still working to make sure USASA and the Board continue all our essential work to maintain services and representation for UniSA Students.
It’s been really great to order 3 new Foos Ball tables for City West, City East, Magill a Atari Arcade Machine for Mawson Lakes and a new pool table for City West. So excited to see these installed and enjoyed by students in the coming months.
Work around the establishment of a new university has continued too take place, USASA has been actively involved in fighting for Students during this process. Making sure students voices are heard and students have a say and understand the establishment of the new university.
Hey, I'm sure everyone has had a really busy month as you finish up your final assignments and exams. I hope you get a chance to take a break and reset for next semester.
It's been a fairly busy month as aspects of the New University Project continue to develop. I've had the opportunity on the Academic Board to scrutinize new university policies as they are created. It was also great to catch up with the new student transitions team and others to continue to work with and seek clarification around aspects of the new university's creation.
It was great to see the arrival of new Foosball and Arcade Machines on campus, and it's been really positive seeing students enjoying them. Pride Fair was also an amazing event, and it was great to attend.
We are also continuing to work with SEU on the implementation of a Free Period Products Scheme across campuses.
I was lucky enough to attend the National Union of Students Education Conference, this was a great opportunity to learn from Student union leaders around the country. I was able to run a workshop discussing our welfare services at USASA while also discussing with other universities their models for food pantry. I also had the opportunity to present to the conference around the impacts of legislated minimum SSAF for student led Organizations.
It’s been a busy month as the creation of the Adelaide University continues, I was able to undertake some media surrounding the launch and have also played a role scrutinising new Policies and procedures as they are created for the new Adelaide University. A key priority has been fighting for student representation and consultation in the new Uni and during its creation. While also the process of the creation of a new student organisation has continued, with us about to conduct a survey of students at each university to better understand everyone’s priorities and needs in the creation of the new student union.
I was able to attend each orientation and pop into the international student welcome. Great to chat to new students about the important role and services USASA offers. A special thanks to all our volunteers that worked hard to make this event possible. It was great to see so many clubs attend and I’m especially looking forward to campus fair in a couple weeks’ time.
Every month, each member of the USASA Board writes a report on what they've been up to. Click on their names to read their reports and more.
President: Oliver Shephard-Bayly
Postgraduate Student Rep: Benjamin Opiyo
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student Rep: Rhys Peden
International Student Rep: Vacant
City West Student Rep: Christopher Fernandes
City West Undergraduate Student Rep: Yeshaiah Varona
City East Student Rep: Deepak Narang
City East Undergraduate Student Rep: Jade Hancock
Magill Student Rep: Lucy Fawcett
Magill Undergraduate Student Rep: Zoe Hughes
Mawson Lakes Student Rep: Henry Zampoli
Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Student Rep: Agrani Kashyap
Mount Gambier Student Rep: Grace Smith
Whyalla Student Rep: Vacant
UniSA Online Student Rep: Lily Durkin
Have a general enquiry regarding the USASA Student Board?