Get to know one of our USASA Clubs, Tourism and Event Management Club! Read on to find out what the club entails and how you can be a part of the unique and wonderful things that the club does.
1. Club Name
Tourism and Event Management Club check out their socials here: Instagram | Facebook | Linked In: UniSA Tourism and Event Management Club
Contact them directly here: Email
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
As a club, we have many of goals and aims. We aim to be able to help students expand their studies by providing academic events and opportunities to help students develop core skills that they might not be able to learn or develop through their university studies. Our main goal is to provide events and resources that benefit students both academically and socially.
3. What have been some of your clubs biggest achievements?
Over the past two years, the TEM Club has been fortunate enough to win the USASA 2020 Club of the Year, USASA 2021 Best Marketing Campaign for our Decade Rewind Quiz Night and the USASA 2021 Best Collaborative Initiative In terms of events that we have hosted, one of the greatest achievements that the TEM Club has been fortunate enough to work on was the UniSA Business Ball 2021. This event was an amazing achievement as we were able to work with HR and Commerce to sell out a 150+ people event which was impressive considering none of us had organised a ball before.
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
We are starting to look at planning events for next year and one that we are hoping to organise again is the annual UniSA Business Ball. This event was very well received this year so we hope we can do it justice next year.
5. How can students get involved in your club?
There are many of ways that students can get involved. The way that our club is run, is so that no matter what a student is studying, they can be involved in the club. This can vary from following our social media pages and finding out about events we are hosting or volunteer opportunities that have been provided for us to promote from businesses/events. Or if people would like to become a member of the club, they can sign up through USASA and by doing this they will get emails about opportunities and events before anyone else and by doing this, you can get first preference for tickets to make sure you don't miss out on the event. And the other main way to get involved in the club is through attending the events we are running.
6. What's the best thing about your club?
We are a student club run by students for students. You should join our club because no matter what you study, we have something to offer for you! This could range from attending a social event of ours such as a Welcome Back event or if you are interested in participating in volunteering in some of South Australia's biggest events, we have many of opportunities that we promote. More specifically for TEM students, we also host academic events which include networking and panels with some of the best tourism and event companies. As a club, we want students to be able to meet new students in a social environment. We also want students to be able to develop their skills by providing academic events which will help enhance their employment skills that might not be learnt in the classroom at university.
7. If you had no limits on budget or space what would be your dream club event?
As we are a club that hosts both social and academic events there are two: From an academic side, we host a big conference that would include industry professionals from a broad range of Tourism, Events and Hospitality brands and businesses and it would allow them to assist in networking, promote internships and for them to help provide information to students about advice on the how to get a job in their workplace and the skills that are needed. It would include having these businesses to run workshops, be on a panel and present presentations. From a social side, an event that has not been done in a while is a music festival. This would include having some of the biggest Australian and global artists at the event. The event would be hosted at the end of the semester and doing it as an end of year celebration.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share that your club has to offer?
We are starting to look for people that would like to be an execute on the club for next year. So if you would like to be involved and gain some first hand experience about being on a committee/running events on our club or would like some more information - please either message one of our social media pages or send us an email.
Join the Tourism and Event Management Club here.
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