Get to know one of our USASA Clubs, the Student Sustainability Collective! Read on to find out what the club entails and how you can be a part of the unique and wonderful things that the club does.
1. Club Name
Student Sustainability Collective check out their socials here: Instagram | Facebook
Contact them directly here: Email
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
Getting people to adopt sustainable practices into their lives - environmentally, socially and economically. Sustainability has a reputation for being difficult and expensive, so we want to dismantle that misconception and show everyone what’s possible and doable.
3. What have been some of your clubs biggest achievements?
We won USASA’s Best Club Merch of the Year Award in 2019 for our sustainability-produced notebooks made from recycled materials. For anyone who’d like one - we still have a few left!
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
We’re excited for the return of the City West Community Garden events during the main Study Periods. Our Executives have been taking turns tending to the garden this year, and we’re working with the University to introduce more native and edible plants.
5. How can students get involved in your club?
Like and follow us on social media - we post tips and articles on how to make small and simple changes to become more sustainable. Come along to our events, and get involved in our giveaways to win free goodies.
6. What's the best thing about your club?
We believe that many people making small changes is better than having few people do sustainability perfectly. Everyone can do sustainability in a way that is best for them - be inspired by others, but don’t feel bad for having tried something that didn’t work just because it worked for others. We’re here to learn from each other.
7. If you had no limits on budget or space what would be your dream club event?
Fortunately, sustainability can be very budget-friendly. All our event ideas have been low cost, but our biggest expenses are merch and catering. It would be amazing to have an event where all the food is 100% organic and locally-grown produce, with zero waste.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share that your club has to offer?
We’re always keen to hear about how people are being sustainable. Drop us a message and teach us your ways!
Join the Student Sustainability Collective here.
Want to shine a light on all the unique and wonderful things your club does by taking part in our USASA Clubs Feature! We are offering you the opportunity for your club to be featured across a range of USASA and USASA Clubs social media pages.
Find the form here.