1. Club Name
Nepalese Society
Check out their socials here: Instagram, Email
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
It's a Nepalese social club that aims to bring Nepalese students as well as other students together and be the support when needed while promoting our culture along the way. This club will provide guidance and support to international students who have just come and help them trace their way in this foreign land. This club will be promoting Nepalese culture, running educational and sports events, meet and greet and so on.
3. What have been some of your clubs biggest achievements?
Looking forward for it. We haven’t organised any events yet
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
Possibly hosting some Nepalese festival very soon
5. How can students get involved in your club?
Simply by joining the club
6. What's the best thing about your club?
It exists :D
7. If you had no limits on budget or space what would be your dream club event?
Hosting Nepalese themed fashion show or ball.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share that your club has to offer?
Not really we have recently just started so we don’t have much to say at this point but want our clubs to be promoted for more active members
Join the DnD Club here