Get to know one of our USASA Clubs, the Indian Students Assembly of South Australia (ISASA)!

1. Club Name
Indian Students Assembly of South Australia (ISASA)
Check out their socials here: Facebook, Instagram
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
The club's main goal is to get connected with our Indian community and celebrate almost all festivals together. Since most of the Indian students are international students, so we want that they should feel at home here at UniSA.
3. What have been some of your club's biggest achievements?
The biggest achievement for our club is, having a successful and most happening event in Adelaide - Freshers Night every year. We are always sold out for that event.
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
We will be having more events coming up this year. Also, some ice-breaking activities so everyone can meet new people and can make new friends.
5. How can students get involved in your club?
Students can volunteer for us at different events and activities we have every year.
6. What's the best thing about your club?
The best thing about this club is, that we support all the cultures around the world (not only Indian). Everyone from all parts of the world is welcome to join our club.
7. If you had no limits on budget or space what would be your dream club event?
To invite some Bollywood actors/singers from India to Adelaide and we can easily target around 1500+ students at the event.
Join the Indian Students Assembly of South Australia here