Get to know one of our USASA Clubs, ChatBox Club! Read on to find out what the club entails and how you can be a part of the unique and wonderful things that the club does.
1. Club Name
ChatBox check out their socials here: Instagram | Facebook | Discord
Contact them directly here: Email
2. What are your club's main goals and aims?
The ChatBox is a fun and social club for all the people near, far (wherever you are..) The club hosts virtual community-building activities to help offshore/external/online/ any UniSA student feel less isolated and connect better online.
3. What have been some of your clubs biggest achievements?
We were awarded the New Club of the Year for 2021! Additionally, we've successfully collaborated with the Offshore Social Connect Program with UniSA to host events like game nights, movie nights and more. We've also gained more than 120 members within 4 months of launching the club. We have been able to provide common space and representation for the offshore students in the UniSA community.
4. What is your club looking forward to this year?
We look forward to hosting more online events and collaborating with other USASA clubs. We want to create initiatives to better support offshore and online students. We hope to help increase the number of opportunities and services available online at UniSA. And we hope to host a welcome event for all the members when the international travel restrictions are lifted and support members in their transition from offshore studies to on-campus life.
5. How can students get involved in your club?
Students can join our club's discord server for game nights, exercise sessions, to vent about their assignments and zoom events of course!
6. What's the best thing about your club?
We are all online (and hence, convenient)! And our members are from around the world and funny!
7. If you had no limits on budget or space what would be your dream club event?
We would.... Fly around the world to pick up all our members (we love the planet, but this is a dream) -> Fly into Australia -> Have a ball that goes on for days to celebrate it!
8. Is there anything else you would like to share that your club has to offer?
We join Ms Neelu Sharma for a weekly meditation session on Wednesdays at 3 PM, so come along!
Join the ChatBox Club here.
Want to shine a light on all the unique and wonderful things your club does by taking part in our USASA Clubs Feature! We are offering you the opportunity for your club to be featured across a range of USASA and USASA Clubs social media pages.
Find the form here.