Primary Education (Honours)
Primary Education (Honours) Whyalla Campus. Expected Graduation is 2026.
Whyalla often does not have its voice heard on the USASA committee and our regional campuses are often forgotten particularly on social media to the point where most people I meet don’t realise Whyalla is a campus. Many of the programs available to the students of UniSA are highly city-centred and don’t work as well for the country campuses.
My aim is to make knowledge of the UniSA Whyalla campus more wide-spread and to share the fantastic and unique opportunities that are associated with studying regionally that cannot be obtained whilst studying in the city. I aim to help the students of Whyalla gain better access to services and create more student engagement opportunities.
I’m from the Whyalla campus and my favourite thing about it is the close community support that is available and that there is always a friendly face on campus. I love how you can always get a lot of support from the staff.]
Use the resources you have available to you. University wants to help you succeed. They want their students to do well and there are a lot of resources out there for you to do just that. So reach out, speak up and find the support you need to reach your goals.
Chocolate, Stardew Valley or Skyrim, my partner, and going to the Uni to annoy everyone’s favourite person, Simone!
If I could have dinner with anyone then I would have it with my partner, parents and all my siblings as it is very rare that we are all together.
I would still be a teacher because I would get bored and I love working with students and helping them learn and achieve their goals but I would make time to travel, particularly to England because I would love to reconnect with my family that lives there and they have some fantastic tourism opportunities.
Every month, each member of the USASA Board writes a report on what they've been up to. Click on their names to read their reports and more.
President: Oliver Shephard-Bayly
Postgraduate Student Rep: Dasuni Imansa Jaburuthugoda Gamarachchige
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student Rep: Benjamin Johnston
International Student Rep: Edwin John
City West Student Rep: Haider Surka
City West Undergraduate Student Rep: Yeshaiah Varona
City East Student Rep: Meetali
City East Undergraduate Student Rep: Sasha Yildirimci
Magill Student Rep: Shefali Mhatre
Magill Undergraduate Student Rep: Shaana Sihota
Mawson Lakes Student Rep: Surya Tomar
Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Student Rep: Husan Ara
Mount Gambier Student Rep: Vacant
Whyalla Student Rep: Lilly Henwood
UniSA Online Student Rep: Lily Durkin
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