City East
Bachelor of Nursing
Want to work for the university
Experience, meeting new people and my degree.
Diversity of teaching staff and students.
Study hard but don't forget to enjoy at the same time.
Going to the gym.
Doing meditation
I think Einstein because he has a theory about dinner being the relative measurement of hunger and deliciousness!
INFP because I think I am ambivert and good at seeing 'the big picture'.
Throughout the past month, my experience has been great. I have learned a lot of things about academic integrity, leadership, and being proactive in my role. I have been talking with Oliver regarding the paid student placements and students' mental health. I have talked with a few students regarding academic integrity and explained to them the process. For now, I am on student placements but will continue to catch up on everything after March.
Throughout the past month, my experience has been great. I worked with the guardian newspaper till the publication of the article. I have sent the article regarding nursing placements to nursing groups. For now, I am on student placements but will continue to catch up on everything after March.
Every month, each member of the USASA Board writes a report on what they've been up to. Click on their names to read their reports and more.
President: Oliver Shephard-Bayly
Postgraduate Student Rep:Vacant
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student Rep: Rhys Peden
International Student Rep:Chanchal Yadav
City West Student Rep: Christopher Fernandes
City West Undergraduate Student Rep: Yeshaiah Varona
City East Student Rep: Deepak Narang
City East Undergraduate Student Rep: Jade Hancock
Magill Student Rep: Lucy Fawcett
Magill Undergraduate Student Rep: Zoe Hughes
Mawson Lakes Student Rep: Henry Zampoli
Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Student Rep: Agrani Kashyap
Mount Gambier Student Rep: Grace Smith
Whyalla Student Rep: Vacant
UniSA Online Student Rep: Lily Durkin
Have a general enquiry regarding the USASA Student Board?