Every month, each member of the USASA Board writes a report on what they've been up to. Click on their names to read their reports and more.
President: Oliver Shephard-Bayly
Postgraduate Student Rep: Dasuni Imansa Jaburuthugoda Gamarachchige
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student Rep: Benjamin Johnston
International Student Rep: Edwin John
City West Student Rep: Haider Surka
City West Undergraduate Student Rep: Yeshaiah Varona
City East Student Rep: Meetali
City East Undergraduate Student Rep: Sasha Yildirimci
Magill Student Rep: Shefali Mhatre
Magill Undergraduate Student Rep: Shaana Sihota
Mawson Lakes Student Rep: Surya Tomar
Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Student Rep: Husan Ara
Mount Gambier Student Rep: Vacant
Whyalla Student Rep: Lilly Henwood
UniSA Online Student Rep: Lily Durkin
Have a general enquiry regarding the USASA Student Board?