Get to know one of over 90 USASA Club presidents, Asha. Read on to find out what Asha's role entails and how you can be apart of the unique and wonderful things the club does!

Get to know one of over 90 USASA Club presidents, Asha. Read on to find out what Asha's role entails and how you can be apart of the unique and wonderful things the club does!
1. What club are you in?
MED RADical Club
2. What are you studying? Did it influence the club you chose to join?
I’m currently in the final year of my Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging). The MED RADical Club is the dedicated club for Med Rad by Med Rads, which was the reason I joined the club!
3. Why did you join this club?
I became a member of the MED RADical social club because I wanted to keep in the loop with med rad events. Starting uni wasn’t exactly what I had expected and a lot of my high school mates felt the same. After putting myself out there for a rural health elective held at the Whyalla campus I met some awesome people and made friends that have been the highlight of my time at uni. In my 3rd year I joined the Executive Committee because I hope that every student has the chance to find the kinds of friends I have and I saw the club as a place to help with that! The thought of helping organise a major function like our Medical Radiation Science's Ball was also super exciting.
4. What's your role on the club executive? Explain.
I am so excited to be the 2021 President of MED RADical Social Club Executive team. My role is to coordinate team members working on our different projects and ensuring our projects fit the club vision! I am involved in a bit of everything - my leadership style is leading from behind so I like to give others the chance to step up and show their talents and help out with the little tasks like driving our merch around as well as helping with the big decisions! My aim is to be a familiar & approachable person for Med Rad students and help others get the most out of their time at uni.
5. What's the best thing about being a part of a club?
The best thing about being part of a club is making connections with other students, particularly from other year levels. My uni experience has been so much more than just academics and its made the last 4 years some of the best! Being part of a club gives you the opportunity to do that.
6. How can other students get involved in your club?
We love our med rad members! Joining the club is free and easy, by heading to our USASA page and clicking ‘join now’. We are super active on our socials and love chatting with our members in our DMs & getting sent rad memes (our tutor Shayne is our main supplier!) so follow us on insta and facebook! Attending our events is the most fun way to get involved just by showing up and bringing your mates! We love our non-rad supporters who also get free membership.
7. Have you gained new friends or made new connections through being in a club?
I have made so many great friends and loads of connections through the MED RADical club and being on the executive team. Getting to know students from other year levels through our events has been really fun and I’ve been able to turn to older students for advice and mentorship and now do the same for newer students! I think thats something very valuable in a time where we are told we're on our own now starting our careers, because it's just not true! No one can do it on their own.
8. What achievement are you most proud of?
The achievement I am most proud of is probably picking a degree I love so much! I’m a bit of an indecisive person and was really unsure of what I wanted to be when I grew up (even right up until uni applications!) so the fact I have chosen a career I enjoy and feel excited about is a big achievement to me. Also being able to water ski on one ski – took me so long to achieve and is the best fun haha.
9. What colour best represents your personality and why?
The colour that best represents me is probably a peachy colour! I am a warm a friendly person who likes being outside and I think that fits well.
10. What would you like to get out of being in a club?
Being in a USASA club means I know my interests and values are represented in the Uni. I want to see content that I’m interested in (thematic memes), have events I can use as an excuse to hang out with my friends and an opportunity for uni to be more than just making my schedule to involve going in to uni as little as possible (as much as I aim to stay in my PJs as much as possible).
11. If you could start any club what would it be?
If I could start any club it would probably be a Bakery Connoisseur Club. I’m a biggg bakery girl so a pastry dedicated club sounds so good to me; regular bakery meets trialling new places, day trips to country bakeries (they’re always the best), discounts at local bakeries and a pop-up pastry stand on campus; SIGN ME UP.
Join the MED RADical Club
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