The Student testimonials on this page can give you an idea of students’ experiences, utilising the service. This page also provides a guide for how Advocates can assist, and what to expect for the procedures of: remarking, resubmissions and appeals against final grades.
Student Advocates can help with academic issues beyond those described here- please contact them directly for further information.
These testimonials were submitted anonymously by students who accessed the USASA Advocacy service.
Re-marking is where a second assessor marks the assessment task without any further work. The second assessor is not provided with the details of the student’s original mark.
Contact an Advocate by emailing requesting an appointment to discuss your remarking as soon as possible.
Re-submission is where a student is permitted to revise an assessment task that they have failed to the original assessor within a specified time frame.
Contact an Advocacy Officer by emailing requesting an appointment to discuss your resubmission as soon as possible
Students have the right to appeal against their final grades. The Advocacy Officer will attend any meetings along your side not only to provide support but also to guide you through the policies and procedures of the appeal.
Contact an Advocacy Officer by emailing requesting an appointment to discuss your appeal as soon as your grades are released
Note: Students have 10 working days from the date the results are released on Learn-Online to appeal their final grade with their course coordinator.
To make an appointment, use the online form or click the button below. Advocates are located at the City West Campus, or via Skype, Zoom or telephone.
It is strongly advised that students requiring assistance make an appointment to see an Advocate as soon as possible.