Get to know one of our USASA Club presidents! Natrydd Sigurthur from University of South Australia Rainbow Club, Student Sustainability Collective, and UniSA NUMTOTs.

Get to know one of over 90 USASA Club presidents, Natrydd Sigurthur. Read on to find out what Natrydd's role entails and how you can be apart of the unique and wonderful things that Natrydd does with the clubs!
1. What club/s are you in?
University of South Australia Rainbow Club, Student Sustainability Collective, and UniSA NUMTOTs.
2. What are you studying? Did it influence the club you chose to join?
I’m studying a Graduate Certificate in Project Management. I was originally doing Information Management when I joined the Club, and then switched to Urban and Regional Planning. I later realised that I really enjoyed working as a team on projects, and it was what I wanted to continue doing as a career, so I switched degrees one last time.
3. Why did you join this club?
I joined the Rainbow Club because I wanted to influence UniSA’s policies and strategies about queer students and staff. I saw the Uni lagging behind Adelaide, Flinders, and most Australian universities when it came to providing services for our community. I was determined to see this improve through student-led advocacy.
4. What's your role on the club executive? Explain.
I’m the Club’s President. There’s a misconception about what being President is; it’s not about being a boss who’s in charge, it’s about fulfilling your obligations and responsibilities through good leadership. Part of my day-to-day tasks involve represent the Club at meetings and interviews, overseeing the Club’s activities, and communicating with other executives to ensure that we work together to make things happen.
5. What's the best thing about being a part of a club?
I thrive on working together with like-minded people who all share the goal of improving student’s lives and making a meaningful contribution to our University community. It’s deeply rewarding to know that the time and effort you put into making it happen was successful and made life at uni easier for others.
6. How can other students get involved in your club?
Join our Discord server to meet other queer fam, and like us on Facebook and Instagram if you like memes and giveaways. Membership is free, and you’ll get access to discounted event tickets. If you’re passionate about queer advocacy, building skills, and getting things done, then join our executive committee at the AGM after Campus Fair.
7. Have you gained new friends or made new connections through being in a club?
Yes, absolutely! I’ve met some of my best mates through USASA clubs, particularly the Rainbow Club. I also gained mentors over the years who’ve given me great life advice. I feel incredibly lucky to have found such wonderful and supportive people. One of the best decisions of my life was becoming active in USASA clubs.
8. What achievement are you most proud of?
I’m enormously proud of developing UniSA‘s Ally Network. It took 3 years of us and USASA reps working together with the Uni, but now queer students finally have a supportive network if they experience queerphobia during their studies. Hundreds of staff and students have joined, and we’ll be working on delivering training as soon as possible. Anyone can join, and just like Club membership – it’s free.
9. What colour best represents your personality and why?
Black. It’s the colour I wear the most, and I’m also a somewhat cynical person. I’m not afraid to shy away from life’s problems and try to make the world more equitable. If there’s a complaint my closest mates have about me it’s that I complain too much – I swear it’s all for a good cause!
10. What would you like to get out of being in a club?
Lifelong mates and skills. Meeting new people and forging new friendships has always been a huge bonus for me in all the clubs I’ve been involved with. I got a job as a Project Manager the same year I became the Rainbow Club President, which really helped me narrow down what I really want to do with my life career-wise.
11. If you could start any club what would it be?
An Eastern European Students / Slavic Students Society. Everyone deserves free borscht and kompot in their lives. I’m Hungarian and I’ve only met 4 other Magyars since I’ve been at uni. I love the vibe of cultural clubs like ISASA and VSS, and seeing how supportive they are of their members and communities. I hope that one day us Eastern European students can put aside our differences and work together to bring a bit of joy to UniSA students.
Join the University of South Australia Rainbow Club, Student Sustainability Collective, and UniSA NUMTOTs.
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