Get to know one of over 500 USASA Club executives, Ishika. Read on to find out what her role entails and how you can be apart of the unique and wonderful things the club does!

Get to know one of over 500 USASA Club executives, Ishika. Read on to find out what her role entails and how you can be apart of the unique and wonderful things the club does!
1. What club are you in?
Student Sustainability Collective
I am also, the President of UniSA toastmasters, an executive member at USASAOE, a curation team member at TedXUniSA, a Vice president of student sustainability collective and a Marketing Manager at UniSA sport.
2. What are you studying? Did it influence the club you chose to join?
I am studying a bachelor of science in biology and computer science with a minor in chemistry. I am studying biology so I have a natural love of plants and animals and yes environment so I was looking for some extracurricular that goes with my passion and I ended up as a secretary first year and now vice president.
3. Why did you join this club?
My grandfather was a geologist so I have been in nature at all times since birth. I came to Australia in 2020 and found such a different sustainability lifestyle that's so different from my culture and environment. I thought why not introduce an Indo-Australian sustainability lifestyle in my life and introduce it to people on how we can be a uni student on a budget and still save the planet.
4. What's your role on the club executive? Explain.
I am vice president and my role is from idea generation to organising events and helping my team members in every aspect from content creation to accounts money, I am everywhere which is very same as president too. I am your go-to person if you want to know what we do and wants to find like-minded people like you and have ideas on how we can be better.
5. What's the best thing about being a part of a club?
I think networking and the ability to meet new people especially like-minded like you is what I cherish. I think the volunteering opportunities here at university has helped to advance in my career from finding a job to knowing and learning from so many business professionals. I never knew I would know how to draw but I was welcomed by the club that I am all that crafty kid now. In clubs, you will feel supported by your peers ( mentorship ting!!) and the social life of the university in clubs makes it the best.
6. How can other students get involved in your club?
Just find us on USASA and join our club. We will send you emails as we do organise many events on campus and do follow us on socials as we are thinking of doing member shout-outs even if you don't want to involve in leadership, attend events to meet like you and send us ideas on how we can be better and different.
7. Have you gained new friends or made new connections through being in a club?
yes, Indeed and I think some of the best people. My club members looked out for me when my home country was in a pandemic and even when I am busy with my study, they make time. I got to Adelaide university sustainability club too and from there that opened many industry connections too.
8. What achievement are you most proud of?
In terms of the club that we are acknowledged by verse magazine, radio on campus, off-campus, other universities and students are supporting the cause. In terms of just me: I would say being a fitness trainer and landing a research project with UniSA centre of cancer biology is the achievement I am very proud of. I am also proud that I won a humanitarian hackathon held by University of Sydney on a project related to sustainability and security my first gig as a Dj this year.
9. What colour best represents your personality and why?
I think black and many people consider it it's evil and whatnot, I think people who know me know that I wear black most of the time because it represents confidence, a fearlessness that you are one powerful woman, classiness and kindness that don't forget where you have come From.
10. What would you like to get out of being in a club?
I think making friends is why I started but now it's more like to make everyone feel welcomed and make the social life of university a tradition.
11. If you could start any club what would it be?
It would be definitely a hip-hop club as i think we need more street dancers to perform for gigs at some college gets in university.
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