Get to know one of over 500 USASA Club executives, Bethany Caldwell. Read on to find out what Bethany's role entails and how you can be apart of the unique and wonderful things the club does!

Get to know one of over 90 USASA Club executives, Bethany Caldwell. Read on to find out what Bethany's role entails and how you can be apart of the unique and wonderful things the club does!
1. What club are you in?
Women in STEM UniSA plus I also am a member of ASO, Rainbow Club, USASOE and AGPU.
2. What are you studying? Did it influence the club you chose to join?
I'm in my first year of my Doctor of Philosophy studying applied mathematics.
3. Why did you join this club?
In my undergraduate degree, my most of my classes were very small so I wanted a chance to meet more people. I thought the Women in STEM club would be the perfect way for me to meet more like-minded individuals.
4. What's your role on the club executive? Explain.
I'm the secretary of the Women in STEM club so I write all the meeting agendas and record the minutes. In our committee everyone shares the workload when it comes to planning events, preparing content for socials or brainstorming merchandise ideas so a lot of the work I do for the club isn't specific to my role.
5. What's the best thing about being a part of a club?
The best part would be all the amazing people I've met and the advice they have given me. Because the club has members in different stages of their studies from first year bachelors to final year PhD to academics I've been able to get some great advice and guidance from lots of the friends I made through the club.
6. How can other students get involved in your club?
If you go to our USASA page you can join our club which means you'll be notified whenever we have an event coming up. Also on our USASA page are the links to our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) where we share a variety of content and opportunities to benefit our members.
7. Have you gained new friends or made new connections through being in a club?
Yes, I've made so many friends and connections that I wouldn't have if not for the club.
8. What achievement are you most proud of?
My first year as secretary, actually my first event as secretary, I got to participate in organising the first Women in Maths Day SA Conference for the inaugural International Women in Mathematics Day. It was a joint event between UniSA, Adelaide University and Flinders University so despite being new to the club I loved being part of that event and having the opportunity to collaborate with so many people.
9. What colour best represents your personality and why?
Yellow, I always look on the bright side and try to make the best of any situation.
10. What would you like to get out of being in a club?
I would like to continue making friends and connections with students all across STEM.
11. If you could start any club what would it be?
A sewing or crochet club. I'm not very good so it would be useful to learn.
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