My name is Fenil Santhaliya, I am a master of health services management student running for University president. Since, enrolled in the university I have been meeting various students from the university and engaged with various clubs in the university, "I have seen challenges and opportunities for the students, and my aim is to make our university better place for every student."
Menifesto for this and upcoming year :
- My main three main key focus areas are
1) build stronger community for students
2) student welfare
3)academic support for all students
- apart from that, I believe to connect more with student bodies. " I will work for provide better space and event organization for students, so that they can feel more welcomed and supported throughout their academic years."
- Moreover, " I believe in making tangible changes for the students, so they can get benefits from that, and I think together we can create more vibrant and supportive university environment."
" I am hoping for earning your vote to represent as next president of USASA, to build stronger connection between us and university, to benefit each and every individual."