Islamic Society UniSA is a not-for-profit volunteer initiative. Grown from just a few members, it has flourished into a modern community upholding the high moral and spiritual values of Islam.
Islamic Society UniSA is a not-for-profit volunteer initiative. Founded only one year after the establishment of UniSA, it currently operates under USASA (registered). Grown from just a few members, it has flourished into a modern community upholding the high moral and spiritual values of Islam.
We look after the various needs of Muslim students and staff on campus. As a religious society with a sizeable on-campus fraternity, we are entrusted by UniSA with excellent facilities (such as prayer rooms) to cater to our needs. The facilities encourage scores of Muslims to be more involved, active and receptive to Islam. Each campus has dedicated male and female prayer rooms.
We also take responsibility for holding religious events and activities that serve Muslims as well as non-Muslims while observing Islamic values and culture. The association aims to help Australian and international Muslim staff and students to connect with God and the community.
ISUniSA also promotes inter-faith understanding between the people of different faiths and belief systems in academic esteem. Please browse the menu items to find exciting and valuable information as the first step. For any further question, comment or a suggestion, please email
The benefits of becoming a member include (but are not limited to) staying up to date with Muslims-related news, issues and events at UniSA. Members can reach out to the community for various needs (e.g. accommodation, study help, sale/purchase, etc.) through our social media. Members can join committee discussions and take up a volunteer role while contributing to decision making. Our Rules of Governance are accessible from the menu.
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
Islamic Society UniSA - 2016 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2018 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2019 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2020 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2021 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2022 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2023 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2024 Annual General Meeting
Islamic Society UniSA - 2025 Annual General Meeting
Rules of Governance - Islamic Society UniSA