Greens Club

The Greens Club is a space for all progressive students at UniSA. We are uniting progressives, social democrats, socialists, and environmentalists, working towards a greater future for everyone!

About us

Are you interested in progressive politics? Do you believe in ecological sustainability, social justice, peace and non-violence, and grassroots democracy?

The Greens Club is a club based around progressive politics.

We aim to support progressive activism at the university and in the broader community.

We run a vareity of events focused on activism, building social connections and education.

The Greens Club is a space for all progressive students, no matter if you are just getting started or if you are already active in political circles.

Meet us

Club Executive


Download our resources

The University of South Australia Student Association Inc. (USASA) acknowledges the Kaurna, Boandik and Barngarla First Nations People as the traditional custodians of the unceded lands now home to the University of South Australia’s campuses in Adelaide, Mount Gambier and Whyalla. We respectfully acknowledge their Ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia. It was and always will be Aboriginal land.

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